Workers Compensation Insurance
AUCA is proud to partner with Alabama AGC to offer the CompTrustAGC Workers Compensation Program to AUCA members.
If you would like to learn more about the CompTrust Program through AUCA, please contact Terry Young at 1-888-736-0210.
CompTrust will provide free no-cost/no-obligation quotes to all AUCA member companies. If you have an existing insurance agent and would like to get a quote through them, please have your agent call Terry and he will work with your agent to get a competitive quote. Make sure the agent mentions that you are an AUCA member company.
If you would like to learn more about the CompTrust Program through AUCA, please contact Terry Young at 1-888-736-0210.
CompTrust will provide free no-cost/no-obligation quotes to all AUCA member companies. If you have an existing insurance agent and would like to get a quote through them, please have your agent call Terry and he will work with your agent to get a competitive quote. Make sure the agent mentions that you are an AUCA member company.